About us

WHO’s behind old st cafe

Craft the perfect cup of coffee every time, using only the highest quality beans and traditional brewing methods.

Coffee varieties
happy customers
Our coffee methods

We have the best coffee brewing methods

Our Coffee Methods Expresso - Cappuccino X Webflow Template


Strong, creamy coffee made by forcing hot water through fine, compacted grounds under high pressure. Base for popular coffee drinks.

Our Coffee Methods Moka Pot - Cappuccino X Webflow Template

moka pot

Steam pressure forces water through coffee in a stovetop brewer. Produces a rich, strong coffee with a distinctive aroma.

Our Coffee Methods French Press - Cappuccino X Webflow Template

french press

Coffee grounds steep in hot water, then pressed through a metal filter. Produces full-bodied, flavorful coffee with sediment.

Our Coffee Methods Aeropress - Cappuccino X Webflow Template


Immersion and pressure brew method using a plunger. Produces smooth, flavorful coffee in a short amount of time.

Our Coffee Methods Chemex - Cappuccino X Webflow Template


Pourover brewing using a paper filter and glass carafe. Produces a clean, bright coffee with a delicate flavor profile.

Our Coffee Methods Traditional - Cappuccino X Webflow Template


Brewing using simple methods like boiling or steeping. Produces coffee with a rustic, traditional flavor profile.